Friday, May 30, 2008


For some strange reason Isaiah is fascinated by both the baby monitor base in his room as well as the little hand held ones we carry to hear him. In his room he is always playing with the base. Yesterday afternoon while playing with the base in his room he wedged himself behind the chest that it sits on and needed Mommy to help him out. What a cute and silly boy we have!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

We hope all of you had a great Memorial Day! Mike had to work but as soon as he got off Isaiah and Mommy picked him and headed for Grandma and Grandpa Delgado's house. Since it was chilly out we hung out inside. Here are some pics of Isaiah and his cousin Kaleb playing...

Family Sticking Together

Sunday morning we got the news that my Grandpa had passed to go home to the Lord. While it is sad news and we will all miss him, we as a family take comfort in knowing that he will no longer suffer and he is with his maker now. Much of the family gathered at my Dad's house in the afternoon to remember Grandpa. Dad got out his Harley and took a bunch of us for a ride which was a blast! I had not been on a motorcycle with my Dad since I was a kid. Here are some cute family pics from Sunday.

Mike, Tina, Isaiah and Grandma

Isaiah with Grandma Donna

Poppa Bob and Isaiah goofing off

Auntie and Isaiah loving

Vail Colorado

This past weekend I got a last minute invite from my friend Chris to go for an over-night in Vail, CO. How could I pass up a night in my favorite place?!?!? We took off Saturday morning and got to Vail at lunch time and ate and then walked around. We then did a little scrapbooking before heading out for dinner. Sunday morning we had hot stone massages before the drive back to Denver.

Chris and Tina
This is a beautiful view of a cabin that was across the river from our hotel room

Surprising Daddy at Work

Last Friday Isaiah and Mommy picked up a fav of Daddy's and surprised him at work. We went and got him a slice of key lime cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. Isaiah liked it too :o)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mom's Day

On Saturday we had family over for a Mom's Day brunch. We missed those that couldn't be with us due to other plans or illness and love them all! We had a good time catching up and eating some YUMMY food!

To all you Moms out there, we hope you have a wonderful and blessed day!

Me and my WONDERFUL boy

Grandma and Grandpa Delgado with Isaiah

Grammy Maas with Isaiah

Uncle Jer Jer and Auntie with Isaiah, oh and Daddy poking in his head :o)

All Smiles

Last Thursday we took dinner to our friends Chris and Dave since Chris had just had hip surgery on Tuesday. Isaiah was enjoying playing with the toys they have there for their nieces and nephews and all their dogs! Here is a cute pic Dave got of Isaiah all smiles!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sisters are the BEST

Today I got a Fed Ex delivery. It was a huge bouquet of lilies! They are from my sister, her hubby and puppy for Mother's Day. Lilies are my absolute fav and this brought me to tears. I love my Sis! Here is a pic of one of the lilies that just opened up. GORGEOUS!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Getting back to normal

I have missed Isaiah's gorgeous smile! He came down with the tummy flu on last Friday and was very sick. He couldn't eat or drink without vomitting, it was so hard to watch him and hold him and not make him feel any better. But he has been getting better every day now and he his back to eating and drinking and SMILING!

Isaiah after breakfast this morning

Isaiah likes to walk around with items in his mouth just like his doggies