Tuesday, November 13, 2007

He is Official!!

Well, it has been a long time since we updated anything onour site. A lot has happened.

We went to court on October 12th to make our adoption final. I can't really say our journey has ended, but it has really just begun!! We are very excited and happy and greatful that our adoption is final and that everything went as smoothly as it did. The firs picture is of the family at court with the judge.

Isaiah is now 7 monthes old and he is beginning to attempt crawling! He is also talking too, although he doesn't know what he is saying it sounds like he is saying Dada, Mama, and Baba. Other than that he is babbling. He is of course putting everything he can get his hands on into his mouth. We bought him a sippy cup this week that he really seems to enjoy playing with. He is getting very good with his hands, he can pick up and grab things with either hand, and he is also using both hands at the same time to pick up things. Isaiah has had 2 hair cuts now, and it looks like he will have a 3rd in the next week. He was 18lbs 12oz and 27 1/4 inches long at his 6 month checkup. Isaiah has his first two bottom teeth coming in and they are sharp (from what I hear from other people). Isaiah went as Pooh for his first Halloween, we went to Southlands and walked around a bit, but it was too crowded to be up there very long.

Tina and I are doing great too, but people just invite us over to see Isaiah :) we are really just overpaid chauffers. Hopefully we can stay on top of this and keep everyone updated.