Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fun Filled Day

Today we were on the go all day long! We started off at the zoo to celebrate Charlie's 3rd birthday! Charlie is my friend Amy's little boy, his birthday was Thursday, same as our anniversary. We had fun walking around the zoo and having a picnic. After we got home Grandma and Grandpa Delgado came over for a little bit to visit. They were in our area looking at houses. We are hoping they move close to us very soon! They currently live pretty far away :o( After they left we headed to REI to pick up Isaiah's new Camelbak water bottle. Mike and I got ours a few weeks ago and Isaiah tries to take them every chance he gets so we got him his own and he LOVES it!
Daddy and Isaiah right after we got to the zoo

Pretty Black Bear, Mommy and Isaiah love all the bears at the zoo

Charlie blowing out his candles on his birthday cupcakes

Lunch time

Isaiah loving on his Grandma

Isaiah loves his new Camelbak water bottle

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy Anniversary to us!

Today Mike and I have been married for 9 wonderful years! After Mike got home from work we went took Isaiah and went to dinner. It was a nice family evening. When we got back Isaiah helped Daddy put together his new telescope. Mike has been collecting coke reward points and traded in his points for a telescope. It will be fun to look at the stars this Summer. Then Isaiah and mommy had a fun playing and reading.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sad news

Grandma Delgado has been very ill. Yesterday we got the sad phone call that she has left us here on earth to go and be the Lord. Even though we know that she is in a better place now, all the family she has left behind is sad and will miss her very much. Below are some pics from June 2007 when she got to meet Isaiah for the first time.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Birthday and Easter!

Today we celebrated both Mike's birthday and Easter! Yesterday Grandpa and Grandma Delgado came over and watched Isaiah while Mike and I went out to celebrate his birthday. Then today we went to Easter service at church and then hung out as a family for the rest of the day.

Grandpa and Isaiah napping
Daddy's new present to take Isaiah hiking with us this Summer
Isaiah checking out Daddy's new sleeping bag
Isaiah loves hanging out at the back door looking at the back yard, today Pepper and Mommy and went out and took a pic

Monday, March 17, 2008

Delgado Celebration

Last night we went out to our annual "Delgado Celebration" dinner. For those of you that don't know, March is full of celebration on the Delgado side of our family. We have Mike's birthday, JoAnn's Birthday (my mother in law), Katie's birthday (my sister in law), our wedding anniversary (NINE years this year), and Brien and Katie's (bro and sis in law) wedding anniversary. We went to Flemming's and dinner was AWESOME! While we gone Auntie Schoentelle and Uncle Jer Jer babysat. Below are a couple of pics Auntie took of them having fun!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

How SWEET!!!

Tonight was a very good night! We were at Southeast Christian (SECC) to help out after the service. SECC has been doing a series of messages on children at risk and tonight focused on adoption. We were a part of the actual service via video and then after we helped out with answering questions. They had 3 adoption agencies there as well as Alternatives Pregnancy Center and Project 127. Hope's Promise (agency we went through in adopting Isaiah) was there as well. Paula, their director was there and asked if we were ready to adopt Isaiah a little brother or sister :o) We are thinking and praying about that!
The pic below is so very sweet! The girl holding Isaiah is Monika, she and her brother John (also in pic) were adopted from Haiti. Laura and Jason McBride are their parents. Jason McBride is the pastor at SECC that helped us to find Hope's Promise. God is so good!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Learning new things...

Children grow up so stinking fast! Isaiah is learning what "no" means. He knows it already, but is loves testing the waters to see how far he can push the limits. His favorite thing to do these days is stand at the end table and get things he is not supposed to or touch and pull on the lamp. The first pic below is him looking right at me as he goes for the lamp when he knows he shouldn't. But he is just so CUTE!

Isaiah pushing his boundries :o)

Isaiah helping Daddy

Chewing on his new straw, dang that teething thing!

Monkey Butt?!?!?!

So the other day Mike, Isaiah and me went to Sportman's Warehouse. Mike is starting to get into camping and we went looking at gear. He started going on WAAWG's (Weekend almost alone with God) last Summer and loves it! He is going again this Summer and also wants to start collecting gear so he can take Isaiah. And me if I am willing. For those of you who know me well know that camping and not being able to curl my hair is not my thing. But with BOYS in my life I MAY give it a go. Time will tell. Anyway, you have to look at the pic below... When we were walking around Sportman's we saw this stuff called "Anti Monkey Butt". It is actually butt powder! The things people think of theses days.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Look at that TUB

My sis and her hubby Jerry are out in Vegas this week I am so jealous of the pic of their tub they sent me! It is like a swimming pool. When they checked in at the MGM Grand they were offered an upgrade to a suite for only $25 a night. They JUMPED on it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

One month and counting...

WOW! The last 11 months have been flying by at record speed. It is so hard to believe that one month from today Isaiah will be a year old. He has been the BEST blessing to us and our family that anyone could ever ask for.

Today we went to the zoo with Amy, Charlie and Alex. I forgot my camera so I have no pics :o( But I did get a nice shot of Isaiah helping Daddy on the laptop this evening.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The joy of BOYS!

Saturday night we had our friends Amy, Doug and their son Charlie over for dinner. Even though Charlie is alomost 3 and Isaiah is barely 11 months old they love to play together.

More CUTE pics of our boy!

Here just a few more cutie pie pics of Isaiah! Enjoy :o)

Friday, March 7, 2008

God is GOOD!

Since my last post I have been contacted by 2 people that I don't know offering me assistance in starting up this adoption/orphan ministry! This is truly the power of God working!!! I am a little overwhlemed in trying to gather the information, but I am trilled to have this opportunity.

Here is a cute pic of Isaiah and Daddy watching a little TV last night.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Adoption/Orphan Ministry

Most of you know that it has been on my heart for a while to start up an adoption/orphan ministry at our new chuch, Life Church. Today I emailed Todd (senior pastor) to see if the church would be open to the idea. Praise God! He is not only supportive but would like for me to get something together to present to the congregation after Easter! So please send your prayers my way that God will lead me down the right path in setting everything up! I am thrilled and honored to be able to get this going!

Growing Boy!

My my how time flies! Isaiah is growing up so fast. He is cruising now and babbling up a storm. Watching him grow is an amazing gift from God! The love that you fills your heart for you child is amazing, who knew this would ever be something I would experience?!?!? I would not change it for the world.

Isaiah and Daddy playing
Isaiah poking out Daddy's eye
Isaiah watching Veggies (too close to the TV)
Steeling Daddy's gaming chair
Isaiah is his new football chair
Mommy and Isaiah at the zoo
BIG Trouble!